A Commitment To Yourself



“Resolutions are most often empty promises for those who have an abundance of dreams, but refuse to wake up and live them.”
Steve Maraboli

I guess like most people, you have made resolutions in the past that went unfulfilled. It is easy to give up on making resolutions because you have convinced yourself you just can not change.

Think about the changes and improvements you would like to make. These can be about anything, not just the usual …stop smoking and lose weight, ‘big guns’ that everyone associates with New Year’s resolutions.

Begin by asking yourself the following questions to get you started and then add questions of your own:

What can I do to improve my health?

Drink more water?

Stop smoking?

Eat healthy food? Avoid all fast food? Fried foods? Red meat?

Eat fish twice a week? How about more fiber, beans, whole grains?

Go to the gym? How often? Maybe start off going once a week but increase by one day each month for the next few months.

What can I do to be a better friend?

Make a list of everyone’s birthday and address to send cards.

Contact or visit a friend you have not seen in awhile.

Are there ‘friends’ you need to get rid of? Are they unhealthy or negative?

What can I do to be more successful at work?

Can you manage your time better?

Focus on what is important rather than routine?

Get up 20 minutes earlier to organise my day and prioritise on what really matters.

It is often smaller, more discreet resolutions that are most effective and that can be built upon to reach bigger overall goals. Make a list with many smaller goals. Remember, it can all with the small things you do. Commit to take your life forward in a positive direction today.

”This one step – choosing a goal and sticking to it – changes everything.”
Scoot Reed


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