Self Awareness


“you can’t get away from yourself by moving from one place to another.”
Ernest Hemingway

Sel awareness is understanding your personality, behaviours, habits, emotional reactions, motivations, and thought processes. Having more self knowledge not only helps us make better choices, but also helps us understand our reactions to others.

We often discover new things about ourselves when we are in unusual situations, or facing new challenges. Our reactions or responses to new environments, new people, or new demands can help us understand how we deal with some of the more familiar aspects of our lives.

Keep a journal. A journal makes us more aware of what we are doing and where problems might be coming from because we can document anything. If you spend time documenting the little things, like what you eat , water intake, or how much sleep, you might notice a trend that you can improve.

It is important to remember that self awareness is introspection, but it is not navel gazing. Self absorption and overthinking does not get you anywhere, but being aware of your needs and acting on them can help you improve. You might not realise how often what you are doing does not correlate to what you want. Sometimes we are driven to maintain a particular self image to the point where we do not notice our own failings.

What gets you out of bed in the morning, what really fires you up?

Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
C.G. Jung

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